Providing Group Therapy in NYC

There are many evidence-based treatments available that are proven to be effective in treating mental health issues. Group Therapy is one that can have unique benefits for individuals facing particular life challenges or struggling with certain diagnoses.

What is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is an important method of psychotherapy offering some unique features. It provides an opportunity to interact with others who understand or relate to what you are experiencing. Group therapy addresses issues around interpersonal difficulties, communication, and other difficulties that consistently occur in a social context. It also helps others feel less alone with their struggles.. During group therapy, you will get support and feedback from others while learning more about yourself.

Group therapy involves the participation of one or more psychotherapists and a group of individuals facing similar issues working together towards the same goals. Processing your feelings and learning new skills in the company of others can make reaching your goals an easier and more enjoyable process. It is usually recommended that individuals participate in group therapy in addition to their individual therapy, but there are certain circumstances in which participating solely in group work is the best course of treatment.

Typically, groups are focused on a specific area of interest and are either process oriented or didactic. Process groups create space for individuals to freely explore and discuss their feelings, while didactic groups are more focused on teaching tangible skills and coping techniques. Common topics addressed in group therapy are grief, chronic pain, substance abuse, depression, anger, loneliness, relationships, low self-esteem, parenting and couples issues, and anxiety.

Group therapy can be very beneficial for patients who have the capacity for self-examination, reflection, introspection and insight about their own internal life.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Adult Skills Groups

We have two groups being led by:

Join our virtual DBT Adult Skills Group to master the complete DBT skill set including mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and middle path skills. Similar to a class, active participation and weekly homework (ungraded) are expected.

Participate to enhance attention, regulate emotions, improve relationships, set goals, and lead a meaningful life. Access DBT orientation materials and skills handouts in PDF. Sessions include DBT model orientation, weekly commitment emphasis, mindfulness practice, homework review, and new skill introduction.

Single Mothers By Choice

Danielle has 14 years of experience working with adults, adolescents, children, families, and couples. She possesses extensive knowledge in parenting, co-parenting, and child development. She has a particular interest in supporting single mothers by choice (SMC). She has guided others throughout the process including considering the choice, navigating fertility treatments, experiencing pregnancy, postpartum support, and child-rearing at all stages.

Group sessions will offer a safe, nonjudgmental therapeutic environment for women who have entered motherhood intentionally on their own. Danielle will facilitate group discussions and help others articulate and share what led them to their decision to become an SMC. Other topics will include the difficulties of navigating the process, coping with the opinions and judgments of others, as well as the strengths and benefits of this extraordinary choice. Members will learn strategies for child-rearing, self-care, self-exploration, skills for managing the intense emotions involved in parenthood, and ways to navigate any questions their future little ones might have.

Parenting Solo – Single Parents Group

Danielle Esposito LCSW will be leading a therapeutic, 60 minute support group for parents who are doing it solo. This group is best for parents who were not intending to be parenting alone, and will meet for 8 weeks on Mondays (time TBD).

Not everyone expects to be single parents. Doing so requires managing your emotions and those of your children, daily decision making, housework, finances, scheduling, and somehow finding time for your own personal growth and leisure activities. Some single parents are also dealing with the expectations and logistical disagreements arising from co-parenting. Since perfection is never possible, many experience guilt and feelings of inadequacy even after giving their all to this juggling act.

DBT Skills for Parents Group

Holly Alderman LCSW will lead a 60 minute group for parents of children of all ages who are struggling with or simply wish to have a more organized response to the tribulations of parenthood. Holly will teach highly effective and tangible DBT focused skills that can be applied to parenting at any stage and with any child. With parents’ busy schedules in mind, this group is offered as a virtual lunch hour. Holly will facilitate participants’ mastery of DBT Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Interpersonal Effectiveness and Emotion Regulation Skills.

The classic DBT skills will be tailored to applications in parenting – how to manage distress, regulate emotions and communicate effectively in the child-parent relationship and if relevant, the co-parenting relationship. 6 weekly sessions include skill acquisition, group discussion/processing and exercises to practice skills using the DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets.

Coping with Loss

This group is for anyone who has recently lost a loved one. The primary purpose of the group is support and psychoeducation about the grief process. Losing a loved one can be traumatic and overwhelming. Being able to share and process this with others who have had losses similar to yours, can be quite beneficial and healing. While no two losses are the same, participating in this group will allow you to feel less alone in your grief while also gaining tools for how to cope and manage grief related symptoms as you adjust to your new life circumstances.

Get Started Today

We’re pleased you are here, and we’re committed to finding the right person to help you with your mental health.

Step 1: Connect

Finding the right person to help can seem challenging, which is why we offer multiple ways to connect with us. You can schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation with our highly trained Clinical Coordinator, Alli Malamut, by either:

If you do not reach us directly, you can expect to hear back from us the same day or within one business day.

Step 2: Get Matched

In order to find you an ideal fitting clinician or therapist, our Clinical Coordinator will want to learn more about you. Specifically, it would be helpful to hear about your concerns, personal preferences, and any relevant logistical matters (for example, in-person or video sessions? best time or day to meet?) During this call, please feel free to ask us any questions as well!

Please feel free to share with us if you have already identified someone you would like to work with from our Our Team page.

Step 3: Check the fit

Connect with the clinician or therapist you are matched with to ask questions, share history, and make sure you feel comfortable about moving forward. If so, book your first session. If it does not feel right, circle back with us.

Step 4: Get started

Schedule time to meet with your new clinician or therapist and work towards living a more fulfilling life!

Over the years, we’ve found our thoughtful matching process is the surest way to find you an ideal clinician or therapist and achieve the best outcome for you.

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New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, California & Massachusetts

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