Managing Anxiety in the Workplace | The Midtown Practice Skip to the content

Managing Anxiety in the Workplace: Strategies for Success

Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

Anxiety in the workplace can be counterproductive. It often interferes with performance by diminishing attention and focus while weakening productivity. Anxiety can interfere with the ability to express yourself and form authentic relationships that can lead to collegial collaboration and networking opportunities. 

Understanding Workplace Anxiety

The signs of workplace anxiety are consistent with other forms of anxiety, except that the worry is triggered by engaging in or thinking about work.  Persistent and irrational fears of performance, getting fired, or producing poor work content are common. Many people experience physical symptoms such as palpitations and restlessness, which are unnerving and exacerbate negative and catastrophic thoughts.

The Impact on Professional Performance

Anxiety can cast a shadow over the most accomplished individuals, affecting productivity, decision-making, and overall job satisfaction. It interferes with accessing one’s full potential, interferes with confidence, and adds to feelings of imposter syndrome.

Strategies for Managing Anxiety in The Workplace

Cultivate a Supportive Work Environment

Fostering a culture of understanding and empathy is essential. Whenever possible, try to identify like minded colleagues with whom you can share your feelings, and help you put life and work in perspective. Building a supportive environment at work significantly alleviates anxiety.

Time Management and Prioritization

Structured time management techniques can be a powerful tool against workplace anxiety. By prioritizing tasks and breaking them into manageable chunks, you can regain a sense of control and reduce overwhelming feelings.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Incorporating mindfulness practices and relaxation techniques into your daily routine can be grounding and calming. Start with 4-7-8 breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation. These tools provide a calming counterbalance to workplace stressors.

Set Realistic Goals and Expectations

Striving for perfection can be a breeding ground for anxiety. Set realistic, achievable goals and maintain a  healthy perspective. 

Seek Professional Help

Seeking professional guidance can be tremendously helpful. Therapists can offer valuable insights and coping mechanisms tailored to your specific situation, as well as specific tools to reduce symptoms and ground you when they occur.

Building Resilience for Long-term Success

Self-Care and Wellness Practices

Prioritizing self-care is a necessity. Nourishing your physical, emotional, and mental well-being lays the foundation for resilience in the face of workplace challenges.

Continuous Learning and Growth

Embrace opportunities for personal and professional development. Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge can bolster confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment, counteracting anxiety. It can also help to make you more flexible in your thinking, and improve agility with problem solving and decision making.


Managing anxiety in the workplace is achievable and crucial for sustained professional success and personal well-being. By building a community at work, using mindfulness techniques, and seeking professional help, you can take  proactive steps towards a more fulfilling, balanced, and anxiety-free work life.

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